The In Between

A place for everything else

There is some content that just doesn’t fit well into any of the other blogs. These are projects that are on the backburners and will have sporadic updates on Wednesdays. Currently there are three blogs and there may be more later if the need arises.

Modified Message

One of the great things about art is how many different messages people can find within one piece of media. This blog’s main focus will be on reinterpreting the intended messages from songs and their respective music videos if available and turning those interpretations into whole new fictional stories. I do not own the rights to any of these references and anything used to create these stories will be linked at the bottom of each post. Any previous parts will be linked at the top and as part of the excerpt found on the feed.

Side Stories

This blog is dedicated to any story that doesn’t fall within the SynthSized Stories blogs or the Modified Message blog. The content found here will range from fanfic to short stories. I will put links to any previous parts at the top of the page and as part of the excerpt found on the feed.

SynthSized Games

I grew up playing board games and have always held a fondness for coming up with parody games, or at least a wacky ad for them. Some of the games posted in this blog may appear in the SynthSized Stories blogs, but most of them will be for fun. At current, I have two such games in the works which were both featured in my 2019 content that you can check out in the Archives found in the menu. Fate Tiles, a tarot-like game which uses dominoes, and Matching Elements, a gambling game that also uses dominoes.

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The Latest

Links to the most recent posts.